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Investment Property Bundaberg, QLD

Region Snapshot

Bundaberg is a region in Queensland, Australia. Bundaberg has a population of 92,892 people and 24.63% of its occupants live in rental accommodation. The median listing price for houses is $585,000 and this has changed 20.61% over the past year and changed 40.79% over 2 years.

The median rent in for houses is $520 per week and the median rental yield is 4.62%. Stock on the market for houses/townhouses has changed 16.01% compared to last year and the average time to sell a house/townhouse is NA days.The median listing price for units is $399,000 and this has changed 17.35% over the past year. The average unit takes NA days to sell and the median rent for a unit in Bundaberg is $370 per week, producing a rental yield of 4.82%.

Supply & Demand in Bundaberg


Current vacancy rate


Rental stock available




Rental population


Current vacancy rate


Rental stock available




Rental population

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Statistical data for Bundaberg

  House Townhouses Units
Median listing price $585,000 $610,000 $399,000
Median price change - last quarter 3.66% 14.09% 12.39%
Median price change - 1 year 20.61% 46.10% 17.35%
Median price change - 2 years 40.79% 74.53% 37.58%
  House Townhouses Units
Median weekly rent $520 $440 $370
Median yield % 4.62% 3.75% 4.82%
Median rent change - 1 year 10.63% 15.78% 5.71%
  House Units
Previous month sales 106 17
Stock on market previous month 848 86
Stock variance vs. last year 16.01% 24.64%
Average days on market NA NA

Bundaberg investment property listings

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