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The snapshot is a summary view of how this property might perform over a 1yr and 10yr period. It shows possible outcomes for pre tax cashflow, gross yields, and overall returns.

The analysis is calculated on the first available of:

Listed property price or median property price at suburb, property type and bedrooms
and the first available of:
Potential rent, percentile rent or median rent at the suburb, property type and bedrooms.

Overall returns include long term capital growth projections, and are based on the latest analysis for in your default capital growth rate of

Median Listing Price Graph

The Median Listing Price Graph shows the historical median listing prices for the suburb / property type / bedrooms combination of the property, over the last 6 years and the previous 3 quarters.
Where there are insufficient listings the graph will rollup to dwelling type / suburb or just suburb.

This shading is the graph at Suburb, Property Type and Bedrooms level

This shading is the graph at Suburb and Property Type level

This shading is the graph at Suburb only level


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This special search for properties of type in found no properties.
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    Suburb sales and rental listings summary for (all bedroom types)
    All sales listings
    sales listings
    rental listings
    Postcode statistics
    1 Please note: We will display all statistics where data is available for suburbs/postcodes. However some data is not visible where a large enough sample isn't available hence statistics may read "N/A" and some graphs may be missing.
    2 There may be additional overlays that affect this property, please check with your local council.


    The snapshot is a summary view of how this property might perform over a 1yr and 10yr period. It shows possible outcomes for pre tax cashflow, gross yields, and overall returns.

    The analysis is calculated on the first available of:

    Listed property price or median property price at suburb, property type and bedrooms
    and the first available of:
    Potential rent, percentile rent or median rent at the suburb, property type and bedrooms.

    Overall returns include long term capital growth projections, and are based on the latest analysis for in your default capital growth rate of

    Median Listing Price Graph

    The Median Listing Price Graph shows the historical median listing prices for the suburb / property type / bedrooms combination of the property, over the last 6 years and the previous 3 quarters.
    Where there are insufficient listings the graph will rollup to dwelling type / suburb or just suburb.

    This shading is the graph at Suburb, Property Type and Bedrooms level

    This shading is the graph at Suburb and Property Type level

    This shading is the graph at Suburb only level


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    Entity selected: Personal Ownership View

    Property expenses

    You can enter values for rates, insurance, body corporate and repairs & maintenance as either a $ value, or as a % of purchase price.


    The following expenses are entered as an annual $ amount, or for management fees as a fixed % per week of rent.

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    Please note that street addresses can only contain letters and numbers.
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